Italian restaurant
Italian restaurant
e salsa di pomodoro
Baked zucchini rolls with scamorza cheese and tomato sauce
120g (alergens: 7) Gluten free
Burrata with prosciutto crudo and rocket
125g (alergens: 7,12) Gluten free
Salmon tartare with mango sauce
. (alergens: 4,6,11) Gluten free
con pomodori secchi, carciofi marinati e rucola
Selection of Italian salami with sun-dried tomatoes, marinated artichoke and rocket
125g (alergens: 12) Gluten free
con miele, salsa di senape e pere, marmellata di fichi, fragole fresche e noci
Selection of Italian cheeses with honey, mustard-pear sauce, fig jam, fresh strawberries and walnuts
125g (alergens: 7,8,10) Gluten free
Oliva Nera
Oliva Nera
Betlémské nám. 10/258
110 00 Praha 1 - Old town